Monday 29 February 2016

Polymer Structure and Property Relationship

About the Subject:

                  Polymer engineering is generally an engineering field that designs, analyses, and/or modifies polymer materials. Polymer engineering covers aspects of petrochemical industry, polymerization, structure and characterization of polymers, properties of polymers, compounding and processing of polymers and description of major polymers, structure property relations and applications.

Topics To Be Covered In This Seminar:

Structure of polymers - Linear, branched, crosslinked, and network polymers -Homochain and hetero atomic chain polymers - Copolymers - Linear and cyclicarrangement-Effect of polymer structure on modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength, yield strength, fracture toughness-Thermodynamic and transition properties - Transition temperature in polymers, glass transition (Tg), melt transition (Tm), relationship between Tg and Tm - other transitions like β-transitions, upper and lower glass transition temperatures - Prediction of Tg and Tm of polymers by group contributions-Effect of polymer structure on optical properties - clarity,transparency, haze, transmittance, reflectance, and gloss-Chemical Properties-Influence of structure in prediction of flame retardancy, water repellency - Chemical resistance of polymers -Polymer toxicity.

Time To Be Planned:

1 or 2 days

Kind Of Program:

3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason For The Program :

Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips For Reference : 

Kalam Scientist Team

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